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science educators for equity, diversity, & Social justice

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conference logistics SUBcommittee

the work

This subcommittee is responsible for the following:

  • works with the Leadership Council to determine conference format/site (e.g., virtual or in person)
  • collaborates with the program committee to develop the conference program
  • manages all of the details regarding running the conference on site and/or virtually
  • For face-to-face conferences, the committee is responsible for finding affordable hotel accommodations, organizing food/refreshments throughout conference, transportation information; and other related needs.
  • For virtual conferences, the committee is responsible for establishing a smooth virtual experience for attendees (e.g., selection and implementation of effective online platform; timing; resource sharing; etc.)
  • For virtual and in person conferences, the subcommittee is also responsible for recruiting, scheduling, and supporting session facilitators
  • For virtual and in person conferences, the subcommittee is also responsible for managing announcements related to all information pertaining to the conference (e.g., registration, distribution of program, etc.) 

The people

Subcommittee Chair

Sara Tolbert, University of Canterbury

Subcommittee Co-Chair

Dan Moreno, University of Arizona

Science Educators for Equity Diversity and Social Justice is a 501(C)(3) public charity.

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