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science educators for equity, diversity, & Social justice

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SEEDS Community Building EVENTS

February focus: Navigating politically challenging settings

Given the rightward political turn worldwide, we are faced with a range of emotions and questions about the future of justice-focused science education.  We invite you to join us for our SEEDS Community Building series of online sessions to discuss how we can support one another and work towards the SEEDS mission during this challenging time. 

Our next session will be focused on Navigating Politically Challenging Settings facilitated by a leader from SEEDS who will be joined by a high school science teacher and a science education faculty member. We will gather on Zoom on Tuesday 2/18 from 5-6:30pm EST. 

Register here. The Zoom link will be shared via email the day before the event.

March focus: Conferencing 101

Conferences are one of the cornerstones of being an academic researcher. For many early career scholars such as graduate students, there is a lot to learn about conferences. Which ones should you attend? How do you plan out your days? What are effective ways to make connections with others?

In this virtual session organized by the SEEDS Graduate Student Committee (GSC), we will provide a discussion space for attendees to explore these kinds of questions and more. We will have upper-level graduate students with whom you can engage in conversation to learn about their experiences at conferences. We will primarily facilitate semi-structured small group discussion so that you can have a more direct environment to learn with and from one another. This event is open to anyone, but is especially relevant for 1st- and 2nd-year graduate students and others who may have little to no experience attending science education conferences.

Date: Friday, Mar 14, 2025 

Time: 2pm-3:30pm ET  on Zoom

Register here. The Zoom link will be shared via email the day before the event.

Science Educators for Equity Diversity and Social Justice is a 501(C)(3) public charity.

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